Nonplayer is coming to Boulder, Colorado!

I'll be doing my last scheduled signing there tomorrow, June 27th, at Time Warp Comics  from 1PM to 3PM. 

I'm flying a long way for this one, and we haven't given folks much notice, so any help getting the word out would be most appreciated! Denver people, too! It's not that far, right?

If I may appeal to your self-interest, one thing that I have learned over the last couple of weeks is that first printings of Nonplayer 1 are now selling on Ebay for like a trillion dollars each, and they go for a shmazillion dollars if they're signed. Even second printings are starting to fetch silly sums. Hooray for scarcity! So if you have one of those, bring it by Time Warp to get it signed!

Is this font really this huge? Am I making old-man mistakes with my DeviantArt? I am so sorry.

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Will you ever complete NonPlayer